Lesson in Scalability

In case anyone is interested in the dev process, I am currently reworking the system that determines if the meal you have assembled on the plate matches what the customer had ordered.

Originally, I had each ingredient be represented by 10 by a power starting at zero (bottom bun is 1, hamburger is 10 bacon is 100 etc). What was great about this is when you added another ingredient, you could simply add the value of the ingredient to the total without creating conflict as each ingredient was in a different place (tens, hundredths, thousandths etc) and would not overlap. It also allowed for double topping as two hamburgers would be 20, triple would be 30. 

The main problem is you can only go out just so many digits before Unity drops the last number replacing it with a zero.

The second problem is it does not track sequence, so you put the ingredients in the wrong order and the end number would still match.

So I am replacing that with a string and each ingredient will be represented by a letter. When you add a new ingredient, its corresponding letter will be concatenated to the total. This would therefore track both what was added and in which order. When this is done I can then work on a system where the customers pay on accuracy and how quickly they were served. This would then be used to determine how many ingredients you can buy each week. The more cash you earned, the more ingredients you can buy.

I am close to getting this new system completed.

Second problem, some of the assets I purchased off the Unity store have now been removed and there was no notification as to why that publisher was shut down.  In an abundance of caution, I need to presume the worst and that they did not have the right to sell those assets. So I will be purchasing new assets and removing those. Fortunately, its only 3 of the customer models.


ORA_0531.zip 427 MB
Jun 01, 2022

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Very interested in your progress, as I'm following your YouTube video tutorials. Good luck-Jim